


Sibran Sampers
24 oktober 1991, Veurne
woont en werkt in Antwerpen

Master in de Theaterwetenschappen, UGent (2009-2014)
Autonome Vormgeving, KASK Gent (2014-2016)

Beeldend en performatief kunstenaar

October 24th 1991, Veurne, Belgium
works and lives in Antwerp, Belgium

Master in the Performance Studies, Ghent University (2009-2014)
Autonomous Design, KASK Ghent (2014-2016)

Visual and performance artist


Group expo & projects

Prijs van de Makers (Sint-Annakasteel, Maldegem, 2022), OPEN STUDIO'S (Kaai Studio's, Brussel, 2021), Kunstenplatform Plan B 2020, Konvooi (Het Entrepot, Brugge, 2019), STOCK (KASK Gent, 2019), Tank Estafette (Het Entrepot, Brugge, 2018), Marginalia (Sint-Denijs-Westrem, 2018), Tumultingent (Gent, 2015, 2016), Jumanji (Expo Tatjana Pieters Gallery, 2016), Museum D'hondt-D'haenens 2015, ...

Solo & own curatorpship

Bij de beesten af (Werf 44, Schilde, 2022), Heir-Könycnk (In De Ruimte, Gent, 2018), YART (Gent, 2018), Hermetikon Heimat (Sint-Apolloniakerk, Alveringem, 2015), Tripudiometrie Sibran Sampers (TTTT-Gallery, Gent, 2014). With The Body Electric: Opus II (Sint-Amanduskapel, Gent, 2019), Opus III (Drongenhofkapel, Gent, 2019)


De Vogels - de polen, Minard Schouwburg, Gent, 2019 - scenography/acting
Through the Looking Glass - Krapp, Campo Nieuwpoort, Gent, 2019 - scenographical advice
Move 37 - Thomas Ryckewaert, DeSingel, Antwerpen, 2019 - director's assistant 
The Act of Dying - de polen, Toneelhuis, Antwerpen, 2017 - scenography
Golem - Thomas Ryckewaert, DeSingel, Antwerpen, 2016 - director's assistant
Genesis - Thomas Ryckewaert, Vooruit, Gent, 2014 - director's assistant